Trump joins dustbin of history

Trump has left a legacy which will continue to haunt Americans and some other nations, including Iranians, for the years to come.
In four years of his presidency that sill more than two months of which is left, he has polarized the American nation the kind of which has not been seen since the American Civil War in the 19th century.
As some analysts say, he has made the United States of America “the Divided States of America.”
He is notoriously famous as a liar. In his newest lies and disinformation campaigns, he falsely claims of extensive fraud in the presidential election and refuses to concede defeat. Even Republican Senator Mitt Romney has said Trump’s claims of election fraud are “reckless”.
Probably, his thoughtless remarks and behavior have hurt fellow Republicans more than others.
Even months prior to the November 3 elections, analysts had predicted that Trump will refuse to concede if he loses the election. Their predictions came true.
In general, Trump, who in the words of American Professor Marvin Zonis is “mentally ill”, was a disaster for the U.S. and the world at large. In 2016, it was hard to believe that a person with such a personality had been elected as the president of the U.S.
He has mistaken the post of president with a real estate developer.
“It will take decades if not generations to regain the lost trust,” The New York Times writer Paul Krugman wrote two days prior to the elections. On the same date, Roger Cohen, also from The Times wrote “America under Trump has lost the credibility and legitimacy that were cornerstones of its influence.”
Also, Trump’s sadistic sanctions on Iran pushed millions of Iranian citizens to the verge of absolute poverty and made some others overnight millionaires if not billionaires. These brutal sanctions are being intensified unabatedly during the Covid-19 pandemic.
It was because of these illegal sanctions that profiteers greedily bought foreign currencies and helped push the prices up, to the extent that prices of some commodities have been keeping pace with the value of dollar or euro.
Now that Trump is on the path to the dustbin of history, he will be remembered as a psychopathic, ego-centric, populist, racist, sadistic, climate change denier, anti-science, etc.